

30th May, 2024

As we wrap up May, we’re excited to share what’s been happening at Empowered Women In Trades (EWIT). From inspiring events to upcoming networking opportunities, here’s a recap of our month and a look at what’s ahead. 

Join The Alliance

EWIT is proud to introduce Alliance Membership to our community. 

Alliance Members help fund EWIT’s initiatives to increase female and gender-diverse representation in skilled trades. Their support makes EWIT’s Tool Skills Days, government submissions, Expo and Conference involvement, Talent Attraction programs, and School programs possible. Alliance Members are also fundamental in supporting our goal of achieving 30% female representation in skilled trades by 2030.  

Alliance membership is a great way for businesses large and small to show their commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive skilled trade workforce, helping to address skills shortages in industries like construction, manufacturing, and renewable energy. 

Learn how your organisation can become an Alliance Member on the EWIT website here.

Upcoming Events

Women in Trades Networking Event – Adelaide 

5th June, 6:30 am to 8:30 am at Bunnings Mile End

Yarra Trams Careers Information Session – Melbourne 

19th of June – 3pm – 5pm at Yarra Trams Preston Depot – 18A Miller St, Preston  

Hands-on Three Day Immersive Trades Program – Toowoomba 

15th – 17th July in Toowoomba

More information below…

Future of Construction Summit – Brisbane

EWIT attended this year’s FCON 2024 in Brisbane to hear about the future of construction in Australia. While there were some sessions at the conference that addressed the issues around attracting more women to construction it seemed that the issue was drowned out by topics such as AI and automation. They are exciting topics at the moment and tend to grab the spotlight but in an industry crippled by a skills shortage where almost half the roles advertised are going unfilled, it felt like we are distracted by the shiny new toy. 

We hope that future conferences in construction and manufacturing take notice of this and try to get past the standard one or two “Women in …” panels and start to address the systematic and cultural issues that are holding the entire industry back. We hope the EWIT community can help create that change by asking for topics at Conferences that address why the industry is so male-dominated, and what aspects of the industry can and should change now and for the future. 

Master Builders Vic Apprentice Awards

Hacia attended the Master Builders Vic Apprentice Awards recently. It was inspiring to see outstanding apprentices recognized for their contributions.

Congratulations to Perin Breakell, the 2024 MBV State Apprentice of the Year. Your dedication and hard work are commendable, and we look forward to seeing where your career in trades takes you.

The EWIT team congratulates all the winners and nominees across the award categories on the evening. Thank you to the Master Builders Victoria team for having us. 

EWIT Upcoming Events

Women in Trades Networking Event – Adelaide 

 Date: Wednesday, June 5th, 6:30 am to 8:30 am 

Location: Bunnings Mile End  

Join us at the first South Australian Women in Trades Networking Event at Bunnings in Mile End.  These events are a great opportunity to connect with other tradies, meet the Bunnings team, and learn about their support programs. Run in partnership with Apprenticeship Support Australia attendees will also hear from Anna-Clare Longford, the first female apprentice carpenter in SA for Master Builders.  

Plus, there are some great door prizes to be won!  

Don’t miss out – register now.  

Yarra Trams Careers Information Session – Melbourne 

Date: Wednesday 19th of June – 3pm – 5pm 

Location: Yarra Trams Preston Depot – 18A Miller St, Preston  

For all qualified Mechanical Fitters or Electricians interested in a Tram Maintainer career at Yarra Trams. Empowered Women in Trades have joined with Tradeswoman Australia Group to facilitate a session to learn what is involved and how to progress your career at Yarra Trams. 

Don’t miss this opportunity – register now!

Hands-on Three Day Immersive Trades Program – Toowoomba 

Dates: July 15-17 

Location: Toowoomba 

EWIT is running a three-day immersive trades program for women and non-binary people in the Toowoomba area.  This interactive program will allow participants to get hands-on experience with tools, hear from tradespeople about their daily work, and connect with industry to find their path and learn about apprenticeships. 

If you’re interested a career in trades but want to know what it is like first register now.

Sydney Build Draw Winners

We had hundreds of visitors to the EWIT stand at the Sydney Build Conference and Expo at the beginning of May.

Many people came to the stand to express their support for the work EWIT does or to find out more about our activities, but almost as many were there to comment on the pink Steel Blue boots we had at the stand.

We ran a competition to win the boots and a voucher from HAWKE workwear and the winners of the prize draw are Daniel Caruna from Danrae Group (HAWKE), and Valarie Martin from Northrop Consulting Engineers (Steel Blue Boots). 

And a BIG THANK YOU to our Partners!